Review of The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple by Sonia Ricotti

The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve by Sonia Ricotti came to me a at a time when I needed a good but simple self-empowerment message. At the bottom of everything, our thoughts and our attitude determine our destiny. The great news is, we have precise control over these two things. I've believed this for many years now, but still benefit from hearing it again. What I like about Ricotti's version of the Law of Attraction is that it's short!

Lots of people have read The Secret or watched the movie created by Rhonda Byrne
It's easy to misinterpret the message of The Secret as a form of wishful thinking. But my understanding of The Secret is that it is a call to action. Just thinking about something isn't enough – those ideas have to be acted upon. What Ricotti does so well in The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve is underscore this point, even going so far as to have short exercises at the end of each chapter.

Ricotti outlines eleven action steps for mastering the Law of Attraction. Some of the steps surprised me, but made perfect sense when I looked at the overall importance they play in the manifestation of dreams. For Example, Step Five is “Let Go.” Ricotti believes when we resist things we don't like about ourselves, we get more of the same. By simply allowing ourselves to “be,” we change the energy behind those emotions, making room for more positive ones to flow in.

One of the other things I liked about Ricotti's book was the artwork, though it would have been more spectacular had the illustrations between chapters been in color. The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve by Sonia Ricotti is a book I intend to read more than once. And that's really saying something when I consider how many other wonderful books await me on my reading shelf. Visit Ricotti's website to learn more about her books and work at Lead Out Loud


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