Meet January Jones

Just who is January Jones? Although this particular January Jones is not an actress on “Mad Men,” she is a celebrity. This January Jones is the author of Thou Shalt Not Whine . . . The Eleventh Commandment, Jackie Ari & Jack: The Tragic Love Triangle and Oh, No . . . Jackie-O! and The Christina: The Oasis Odyssey. January Jones is also a syndicated talk show hostess!

I had the pleasure of once again being a guest on January Jones Sharing Success Stories. The show is now in syndication on three networks: Talk4Media, iHeart Radio and Blog Talk Radio

During the show we talked at length about what success means to both of us, as well as the trials and tribulations of using modern technology to sell books and audio books. January is someone I consider to be an expert on the subject due to her impressive resume and work experience.

And if all this isn't enough, This January Jones is also a television personality, Reality TV Golf Star, Cruise Ship Speaker, Humorist and Whine-Ologist! Learn all about January's exciting career on her website That's where you can find links to all her books and even learn about Zoey the Talking Dog!

Listen toa re-broadcast of my interview on January Jones Sharing Success Stories
Thursday,  November 11, 2014 on W4WN.COM and at 6 pm ET.
Saturday, November 15, 2014 on 10 am EST.
Sunday on November 16, 2014 at 6 pm ET. 


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