Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle -- A Review

They say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle by Doreen Virtue is an example of why this is true. The cover of this book is certainly enticing, but the content doesn't “sparkle” as the title would indicate. Interestingly, the title also has the word, “dull,” which may be more appropriate

Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle goes into great detail about how trauma victims behave long after the crisis has ended. Residual fear, anger and depression are often present in people who have undergone abuse. This may lead to problems with current relationships, and Virtue's book aims to help resolve some of those issues.

Virtue accurately observes that people who have experienced trauma often unknowingly seek out others who have also been damaged. Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle points out ways to identify toxic relationships and helpful ways to minimize the impact they have on people's lives. As a professional psychology counselor with a Ph.D., Virtue seems to really understand these issues. What escapes her, however, is a way to make this valuable information interesting to the reader.

Because of Virtue's clinical credentials, I was surprised to learn she is involved in something called “Angel Therapy”

While I appreciated some of the helpful tips contained in this book, there was nothing groundbreaking here. I'm okay with that, knowing most of these books have a few central messages. I think the challenge for writers is to find new and compelling ways to present the information. Thanks to the “dull” style in which this book was written, I am only awarding Don't Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle by Doreen Virtue two stars on my Goodreads Page


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