Rawe Feed Entertainment

Dru Quicc and Michael Precise are bucking the trend when it comes hip, “rawe” entertainment. Although Mike refers to himself as a “White Trash Heart Throb,” and Dru is the “Quick-Draw-McGraw” of the entertainment industry, their radio show, Rawe Feed, offers something often overlooked in the slam-bam-thank-you-mam' world of internet radio. Remarkably, these guys have a genuine desire to help others.

These cousins from Texas aren't just a couple of pretty faces although Michael has an extensive resume modeling for companies like Calvin Klien, DKNY, Old Navy and Perry Ellis. For his part, Dru is an A & R Consultant, offering a kinder, gentler way of helping clients navigate the often brutish waters of the Hollywood entertainment scene. The business philosophy of Michael and Dru is a breath of fresh air as their website http://www.realtalkrawefeedradio.com/ expresses a desire to meet both the personal and professional needs of the musical clients they are promoting.  Rawe Feed Entertainment operates on the assumption that it's more productive to lift people up than it is to put them down.

I had the opportunity to spend the last day of 2012 being a guest on Rawe Feed Radio. I found Michael and Dru to be gracious, upbeat hosts. I had a great time on the show and hope I'll get to be their guests again sometime soon. Happy New Year!


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