Rock Star Marketing

Like many writers, I find the world of virtual marketing overwhelming and confounding. I was happy to discover Rock Star Marketing by Linda Leon to help build a virtual platform. Leon lays out a marketing strategy in seven steps, using the analogy of the seven major keys used in music.

Internet marketing is great for writers because they can take advantage of so many freebies. The problem comes with how to effectively use these mechanisms. In simple, concise terms, Leon explains how to leverage the tools offered through Google and Alexa to promote a book. The concept of Search Engine Optimization is also explained along with tips on how to use it.

Although I read a physical copy of Rock Star Marketing, I think this would actually make for a better e-book because Leon includes so many important links. These include links to organizations who support writers, some of the top blogs for books, contests and sites for press release distribution. As a bonus, Leon goes over how to write a press release which creates drama, curiosity, and a compelling need to find out more information. This portion of the book includes examples of press released which meet this criteria.

I read a lot of stuff about marketing, but find that a lot of it goes by the wayside. Leon's solution is to include a number of assignments in the back of Rock Star Marketing to help readers put what they've learned to good use. I completed some of these assignments and have been delighted to discover they improved my online presence.

Leon closes Rock Star Marketing with some personal thoughts. I appreciate that Leon brings prayer and meditation into the equation. We all have our own spiritual beliefs, but tapping into a power greater than ourselves is the best advice a person can give. If readers mine only one of the many gems offered in Rock Star Marketing, I hope it is this one.


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