Video Shoot for Cindy Clemens

There is no greater blessing than the gift of being able to work with people you truly love and admire. That's why I was so excited when Life Coach Cindy Clemens invited me to shoot and edit a video for her website The video shoot was held on a beautiful Saturday morning at Red Mountain Spa. A number of women showed up to learn more about Cindy's Recipe for Joy. The Joy workshop is one of Cindy's newest classes from her Injoy Life program. Split into three sections, the program helps people to Return to Joy, Live from Joy and Launch with Joy. To that end, Cindy had participants at the Saturday workshop craft their own pink Joy boxes in which to store their hopes, dreams and joys! To help people learn more about the Injoy Program, Cindy offers a number of complimentary tools: In addition, Cindy offers a free newsletter loaded with great links to sites that promote joy an...