Bay State Reader's Advisory Gives Good Tips

If you're in the hunt for a good story, who better to ask than an a librarian? Laurie, a public librarian in Massachusetts, is doing her best to spread the “good word.” Through her blog, Bay State Reader's Advisory,, Laurie shares nuggets of literary gold with those who seek it. The Bay State Reader's Advisory Blog includes a list of the many titles Laurie has reviewed. The blog aims to deliver honest assessments of a both books and audio books, the idea being to assist readers and listeners in making good choices. To further this goal, The Bay State Reader's Advisory Blog has a give-away page where readers can score some literary loot. “Yikes-Another Quirky Audio Book” is among the many titles Laurie has reviewed. Read all about it at If the story interests you, enter for a chance to win a free copy of Yikes! On the Bay State Reader...