Unleash the Power Within

I have long been aware of motivational speaker, Tony Robbins, but for some reason never listened to any of his lectures until just recently https://www.tonyrobbins.com/

I listened to Unleash the Power Within by Tony Robbins as an audio book and must say I was very impressed

Robbins has a gravely voice, but his enthusiasm, charm and sense of humor make him totally relatable and likeable. It isn't hard to understand why millions of people tune in to Robbins for advice on how to become motivated, excited about life and able to meet great challenges.

Unleash the Power Within is designed to help people help themselves. My take away was that in order to make a change, we need to first decide to change. Robbins' points out that thinking we should change for the better doesn't work in the long run. Instead, we need to think of achieving our goals in terms of something we absolutely must do no matter what. The tricky part comes in training ourselves to do the latter.

Some of the “breakthrough” advice by Robbins includes destroying limiting beliefs and getting ourselves in a “state” where we are most susceptible to positive thinking. I didn't understand all of what Robbins had to say, but the part that did stick was the idea that we should remember what we were thinking about when we made a big change in the past. When I do this little exercise, I discover that past changes were only made when I decided they were a must instead of a should.

I was so impressed by Unleash the Power Within that I have now ordered another book by Robbins called The Power to Shape Your Destiny http://www.amazon.com/The-Power-Shape-Your-Destiny/dp/1442352655/ref=pd_sim_b_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=1K7TYNWMWT8YPR0904P8

I would recommend Tony Robbins to anyone who is trying to get themselves pumped up about their lives and careers. I awarded Unleash the Power Within 4 out of 5 stars on my Goodreads Page https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4673038.Adele_Park


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