Happy New Year!

Wow!  It's hard to believe another year has flown by.  2014 was a big year at Straight to Audio Productions as we released our third audio book titled, WHEN ASSISTED SUICIDE AND COSMETICS COLLIDE . . . Gadzooks! A Comically Quirky Audio Book http://tinyurl.com/GadzooksAudible

I feel blessed to have worked with such a fantastic group of actors on both the audio book and the video to promote it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4SU-a6u4FY&feature=youtu.be

Looking ahead to 2015, fans of the Quirky Audio Book Series can look forward to more wacky videos and even some memes!  I will be posting a series of funny ads on YouTube under the title #Quirky Polygamist.  We've even got our own Twitter Account https://twitter.com/QuirkyPoly

Here's hoping that the New Year brings Peace, Prosperity, Joy, Good Health and Love to you and your family.  Happy New Year from Straight to Audio Productions 


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