OnLine PR UK

One of the greatest mysteries for writers to unravel is the path to public recognition. Figuring out who to query is the first step. That's where services like OnLine PR UK
can be extremely useful. In the case of Yikes! Another Quirky Audio Book, I determined that the United Kingdom was the perfect place to market my product. The only problem was, I had very few contacts across “The Pond.”
I spent some time looking into British marketing agencies and decided Andrea Britton of OnLine PR UK was the perfect representative for me. Even though we were on two different continents dealing with a seven-hour time difference, working with Andrea was an easy and pleasurable experience. Within a matter of days, I received a 15 page list of contacts from OnLine PR UK

Andrea Britton is well versed when it comes to social media, having navigated the waters as an entertainer and party planner for 15 years. In addition to being a gifted singer and songwriter, Andrea has extensive experience in putting on large events including concerts, corporate outings and weddings. She even runs boat parties on the Thames River – talk about entertainment U.K. style!

If the U.K. Is the place you want your service or product to be showcased, give Andrea Britton and OnLine PR UK a try. I'm certainly glad I did!

Andrea Britton
Social Media and Online Marketing Specialist
Twitter: @andreabritton


  1. Hi, V.K.
    Thanks for your post. I really enjoyed working with Andrea Britton. If you are in need of PR services, I would definitely recommend PR UK. I live in the USA, but working with Andrea was easy. Her prices are very reasonable and she is super efficient. Best of luck!


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