Wide Open Washington

Politics and hot button issues take center stage on Wide Open Washington with Rob Anthony. The format mirrors the name of the show, with topics ranging what's happening in Congress to what's happening in pop culture http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wideopenradio

I had the pleasure of being Rob Anthony's guest on Wide Open Washington on January 27, 2013. This particular show included discussions on everything from the Manti Te'o scandal to threats being posed by North Korea. Somewhere in the mix, Anthony included a segment with me http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wideopenradio/2013/01/27/wide-open-washington-inauguration-wrap-uphilary-testifies

Anthony peppers his blend of interesting topics with music and humor. Listeners can also glean some useful tips on things such as the housing market and relationships. Anthony's easy going interview style makes both guests and listeners feel welcome. Check out the show for yourself  at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/wideopenradio


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